Wednesday, May 29, 2013

WIP Wednesday - Political Thrillers

I am currently working on the fifth book in the Black Swamp Mysteries series. Entitled The Pendulum Files, it is scheduled for release in the spring of 2014.

The book is a political thriller that combines the expertise of Christopher Sandige, a political strategist, and Brenda Carnegie, a computer hacker, with CIA agents Dylan Maguire and Vicki Boyd. It will take them from their home in Lumberton, North Carolina... to the high seas in search of the perpetrators of maritime bombings... to the halls of power in Washington, DC.

Very early in my career I made the commitment to myself and my fans that I would never allow partisan politics to enter my books' plots. I am keeping this commitment in this political thriller by providing information on political platforms - such as the fictional President's reaction to the bombings and Chris' own search for politicians with whom he can work - but without labeling them as one party or another.

In many instances, they share views common to most Americans, regardless of political affiliation. It also provides the backdrop of our current status as the only recognized superpower in the world. At the time of this writing, there are three others poised to become superpowers within the next decade: China, India and the European Union.

With the fall of the Soviet Union, that region also sustained a dramatic fall from its once powerful superpower status.