Today, I'll continue with just a few facts about the number of times famous authors were rejected:
Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen, the authors of the first Chicken Soup for the Soul book, received 134 rejections before they decided to self-publish. They were eventually picked up by a major publisher and their Chicken Soup for the Soul franchise is worth millions.
Janet Evanovich submitted her work for 10 years and filled a crate with rejection letters before it was finally accepted. Listen to her interview on The View:
John Grisham's first novel, A Time to Kill, was rejected 25 times before he self-published it. It was later purchased and re-released by one of the major publishers.
Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell was rejected 25 times.
Gertrude Stein tried to get her poetry published for 22 years before one poem was accepted for publication.
Jonathan Livingston Seagull was rejected more than 40 times.
Dick Wimmer, author of Irish Wine, tried to get his work published for 25 years. After more than 160 rejections, his book was finally accepted for publication.
But who really persevered?
Louis L'Amour was rejected more than 200 times before his first book sold.