Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Release of The Pendulum Files

My latest release, The Pendulum Files, will hit the bookstores on March 17, 2014 - St Patrick's Day.

It's the fifth book in the Black Swamp Mysteries series (after Exit 22, Vicki's Key, Secrets of a Dangerous Woman, and Dylan's Song) and it's an international political thriller. For those of you who are counting, it is my 17th release. My 18th is due out this fall, and I'll tell you all about it tomorrow.

In The Pendulum Files, CIA operative Dylan Maguire is back and working with psychic spy Vicki Boyd to determine who is bombing merchant ships en route from China to the United States. The ship bombings are resulting in massive shortages in an economy that is fragile to begin with, and with a sitting president campaigning for a second term, he doesn't need terrorist activities on the front pages of every newspaper.

Add to that an escaped hired assassin - Joseph Gabucci from Exit 22. He's back to finish the job he started - finding and killing Brenda Carnegie. Only this time, the reasons are more urgent, placing Vicki's and Dylan's lives - and that of their unborn child - in jeopardy.

As their CIA missions begin to intersect with personal danger, they are led into some explosive realizations.

The result will have you thinking... and wondering... and pondering... our own world.

The book is for sale now at amazon: get the paperback at http://www.amazon.com/Pendulum-Files-Black-Mysteries-Volume/dp/1935970097/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1393880280&sr=8-1&keywords=the+pendulum+files or the eBook here: http://www.amazon.com/Pendulum-Files-Black-Swamp-Mysteries-ebook/dp/B00INC34Z0/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&sr=8-1&qid=1393880280